How to Add Your CV here

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  1. Fork the repository by clicking the link: Astro CV
  2. Clone the repository and change directory to the cloned repository
  3. Create a new branch in your local computer via git checkout -b [new-branch]
  4. Install the required packages via npm install
  5. Open the code in your favorite editor
  6. Open the /src/content/cv
  7. Create a new MDX File inside the folder and name it with the given format:
  8. Copy the tmp-01-lorem-ipsum.mdx to the same folder and rename it with the given format:
    • Format: [class-code]-[full-name].mdx
    • e.g. hck-11-bunga-layu.mdx
  9. Fill Your data using the given template
  10. See the final result by running it via npm run dev and see that your CV is already made.
  11. After the test is successful, Commit to your branch and Pull Request to the staging branch in original repository and wait for the result !